Ulteriori Titoli e/o Pubblicazioni (facoltativo) | Costantini M, Ottonelli S, Canavacci L, Pellegrini F, Beccaro M; LCP Randomized Italian Custer Trial Study Group. The effectiveness of the Liverpool Care Patway in improving end of life care for dying cancer patients in hospital. A cluster randomized trial. BMC Health Serv res 2011, Jan 24; 11:13. Catania G, Bell C, Ottonelli S, Marchetti M, Bryce J, Grossi A; Cancer-related fatigue in Italian cancer patients: validation of the Brief Fatigue Inventory (BFI). Supportive Care in Cancer 21 (2), 413-419, 2013 Elisa Rabitti1* , Silvio Cavuto2, Luca Iani3, Simona Ottonelli4, Francesco De Vincenzo3 and Massimo Costantini5 The assessment of spiritual well-being in cancer patients with advanced disease: which are its meaningful dimensions? BMC Palliative Care (2020) 19:26 |